Glenwood Cemetery Codes & Abbreviations for Interpreting Burial Records


Burial Source


1. Doris Bauer's 1990 prepared copy of "INVENTORY" based on Glenwood records.
2. Doris Bauer's (handwritten) alphabetical index to above Glenwood records
3. Doris Bauer's 1988 copy of extracts from St. John's UCC Records (BK I)
4. Glenwood Memorial Pamphlet, 1988
5. Daughters of Veterans Veterans Buried in Collinsville (from 9/2/1937 Collinsville Herald)
6. C.E. Rinck's compiled list of veterans buried in Glenwood Cemetery
7. Doris Bauer's 1992 copy of extracts from St. John's UCC Records (BK II to IV)
8. Doris Bauer's 08/04/1992 letter
M. Grid Map, Names selected (as last resort) from GW Plat Map Grids
T. or TS Tombstone date (evidence that soul is, in effect, there and recrorded


Obit Location


CH Collinsville Heralds
SPD St. Louis Post Dispatch
BND Belleville News Democrat




/ of (ie. bro=brother , bro/ = brother of)
bro brother
ca circa, estimated date
ch child
d daugher
Dr. Doctor (of any type)
fa father
h husband
inf infant
mo mother
nee maiden name
NS no stone (or marker)
Rev Reverend
SB Stillborn
s son
sis sister
wd widow/widower
vet Veteran, period unknown
REV Revolutionary war veteran
1812 War of 1812 veteran
BHW Blackhawk Indian war veteran
Civ Civil War Veteran
Mex Mexican War Veteran
S-A Spanish-American War Veteran
WW1 World War I Veteran
WW2 World War II Veteran
Kor Korean War Veteran
VNV Vietnam War Veteran


Burial Location Codes (when burial location is unknown)

Following codes are used where exact burial location is UNKNOWN or UNK

+ Indicates that data was found in MORE THAN ONE cemetery record without a location
CB indicates the data was cited Name was found in 'Cash Book', a record showing payments for grave openings.
CE Indicates data for cited Name was found in an abstract of records of Christ Episcopal Church in Collinsville, IL

data found in St. John UCC books indicating burials at Glenwood
(again, no location known)

V source of data is Illinois Veterans Honor Roll, but no record of location found anywhere
O source is an obituary which cited Glenwood as interment but exact location has not been ascertained.
MP ?