Glenwood Cemetery Codes & Abbreviations for Interpreting Burial Records
Code |
Burial Source Description |
1. | Doris Bauer's 1990 prepared copy of "INVENTORY" based on Glenwood records. |
2. | Doris Bauer's (handwritten) alphabetical index to above Glenwood records |
3. | Doris Bauer's 1988 copy of extracts from St. John's UCC Records (BK I) |
4. | Glenwood Memorial Pamphlet, 1988 |
5. | Daughters of Veterans Veterans Buried in Collinsville (from 9/2/1937 Collinsville Herald) |
6. | C.E. Rinck's compiled list of veterans buried in Glenwood Cemetery |
7. | Doris Bauer's 1992 copy of extracts from St. John's UCC Records (BK II to IV) |
8. | Doris Bauer's 08/04/1992 letter |
M. | Grid Map, Names selected (as last resort) from GW Plat Map Grids |
T. or TS | Tombstone date (evidence that soul is, in effect, there and recrorded |
Code |
Obit Location Description |
CH | Collinsville Heralds |
SPD | St. Louis Post Dispatch |
BND | Belleville News Democrat |
Code |
Abbreviations Description |
/ | of (ie. bro=brother , bro/ = brother of) |
bro | brother |
ca | circa, estimated date |
ch | child |
d | daugher |
Dr. | Doctor (of any type) |
fa | father |
h | husband |
inf | infant |
mo | mother |
nee | maiden name |
NS | no stone (or marker) |
Rev | Reverend |
SB | Stillborn |
s | son |
sis | sister |
wd | widow/widower |
vet | Veteran, period unknown |
REV | Revolutionary war veteran |
1812 | War of 1812 veteran |
BHW | Blackhawk Indian war veteran |
Civ | Civil War Veteran |
Mex | Mexican War Veteran |
S-A | Spanish-American War Veteran |
WW1 | World War I Veteran |
WW2 | World War II Veteran |
Kor | Korean War Veteran |
VNV | Vietnam War Veteran |
Burial Location Codes (when burial location is unknown) Following codes are used where exact burial location is UNKNOWN or UNK |
+ | Indicates that data was found in MORE THAN ONE cemetery record without a location |
CB | indicates the data was cited Name was found in 'Cash Book', a record showing payments for grave openings. |
CE | Indicates data for cited Name was found in an abstract of records of Christ Episcopal Church in Collinsville, IL |
SJ |
data found in St. John UCC books indicating burials at Glenwood |
V | source of data is Illinois Veterans Honor Roll, but no record of location found anywhere |
O | source is an obituary which cited Glenwood as interment but exact location has not been ascertained. |
MP | ? |